The above is just an example of the definition of friendship, however what is a real friend is still a question that does not have a general answer in all cases because situations in life are very different.

1. Promise deer, promise gibbon:

No one likes people who don’t know how to keep their promises, but we also have to sympathize with the situation where many people are forced to make promises and then if they don’t keep their promises, they are considered to have lied or broken their promises.

There are also people who only promise to be trusted and loved but then never keep their word and there are also people who sincerely promise but in reality are not capable of fulfilling their promise.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

Tips for living

10 best quotes about friendship

2. Gossip:

This belongs to the second Buddhist teaching about how you should not be close.

Many of us do not have bad intentions, but because we do not know how to control the content and purpose of conversations, we accidentally push negative emotions and information to others and affect their peaceful lives.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

3. Flattery:

Although we don’t like the adjective flattering, we can see that society is full of people who like to be the center of attention, so if you don’t appreciate them, they will appear frustrated and self-centered.

4. Detailed calculation:

In friendship or in all relationships in life, fairness is important, but if you are fair to the point of measuring fish sauce and counting onions or always calculating the pros and cons, relationships will turn into exchanges.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends
10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

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Powerful women talk about friendship

5. Taking advantage of:

Taking advantage of each other in friendship or in all family and social relationships in modern times is quite common.

6. Becoming rich and poor:

The type of friend who only observes your situation and will only respond to messages or meet up if they see that you have something beneficial for them and if they see that you are having difficulty, they will either ignore it or even say bad things.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

7. Unpredictable heart:

This type of friend can never understand their psychology.

This type of friend often has words and reactions that are contrary to their true feelings, making you feel confused and anxious.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

8. No life principles:

A friend without principles in life is someone who doesn’t know who he is, and doesn’t care about what’s around him.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

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Learn how to communicate through 4 things Buddha taught

9. Promiscuity:

Loiterers are sometimes difficult to recognize because they may still be civil servants with high positions but actually do not work or make any effort.

10 things Buddha taught about how to choose friends

10. Not learning and aiming for goodness:

The last thing Buddha taught about the type you should avoid is people who do not learn and practice goodness because they are the most difficult to deal with, they like to choose a negative lifestyle and way of thinking.

The above 10 things are hopefully enough for you to refer to in the process of becoming a good friend and finding good like-minded friends.


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