(Dan Tri) – The grandmother of the perpetrator who caused two bloody attacks in New Zealand said her grandson was addicted to video games since he was a student.

Ms. Marie Fitzgerald (Photo: 9news)

Addicted to playing games, not interested in girls

Australia’s 9 News news agency had an interview with Ms. Marie Fitzgerald, the suspect’s grandmother, at her home in the town of Grafton, New South Wales, Australia after her grandson caused the bloody attacks in

During the interview, Mrs. Fitzgerald apologized for her grandson’s terrible actions.

Ms Fitzgerald, 81, said she was extremely shocked to hear about the attacks in Christchurch.

Flipping through old photos, Mrs. Fitzgerald remembered when Tarrant was a child.

Mrs. Fitzgerald described that during his years at Grafton High School, her grandson Tarrant was a computer addict, addicted to video games and did not pay much attention to girls his age.

“Most of the time he plays games on the computer, then goes back to the computer to play games.

The grandmother of the gunman in New Zealand speaks out for the first time: `He was addicted to playing games since he was young`

Tarrant as a teenager (Photo: 9news)

Traveled for 7 years

Mrs Fitzgerald said her father’s death from cancer in 2010 had a strong impact on Tarrant and caused her grandson to leave Australia and travel around Europe and Asia for seven years.

“The press said it had been planning the attack for a long time, so it was brainless.

Investigators believe Tarrant planned the attacks for two years while living in New Zealand.

12 months ago, the suspect returned to Grafton for his sister’s birthday and there were no signs of anything unusual at that time, Ms. Fitzgerald said.

“It’s still normal.

Authorities in a range of countries, including Britain, France, Bulgaria and Türkiye, are investigating Tarrant’s visit history to try to determine whether he had a motive for visiting these countries.

Ms. Fitzgerald was interviewed by Tarrant’s uncle, who also apologized to the victims’ families.

“We are deeply sorry to the families there, both those killed and injured.

Tarrant’s family learned of Italy’s involvement in the attacks while watching television coverage of the incident.

The grandmother of the gunman in New Zealand speaks out for the first time: `He was addicted to playing games since he was young`

Tarrant grew up in a 2-story house in the town of Grafton, New South Wales, Australia (Photo: Media-Mode)

News of the attack shocked the Grafton community, especially Tarrant’s mother Sharon.

Ms. Sharon and Tarrant’s sister, Lauren, were under police protection after being questioned by anti-terrorism police on March 15.

New South Wales Police said on March 16 that Tarrant’s family contacted police immediately after they recognized his face on television news reports about the attack.

The family is also cooperating with investigators to try to determine what turned Tarrant into such a cold-blooded killer.

Local people were shocked

The grandmother of the gunman in New Zealand speaks out for the first time: `He was addicted to playing games since he was young`

Suspect Tarrant was arrested by two police officers after causing bloody massacres (Photo: NZ Herald)

In the town of Grafton of about 22,000 people, locals are unhappy about being the center of world attention for a sad reason.

“The incident put Grafton on the map, but not in a positive way.

“Tears, feelings of shock, horror and shame about such a crime are covering our town and country,” another resident expressed.

After graduating from high school, Tarrant worked as a personal trainer at Big River gym since 2010. But after his father passed away from a serious illness, Tarrant is said to have changed.

A woman who knew Tarrant through the gym said that before her father’s death, Tarrant never talked about faith or religion.

“But I know he went traveling after leaving Grafton.

Tarrant will be prosecuted and sentenced in New Zealand.


According to 9news, Dailymail