(Dan Tri) – Swedish Ambassador Pereric Högberg and representatives of companies from Northern European countries met with leading experts and officials in the Vietnamese transport industry and shared useful lessons about the country’s experience.

Swedish Ambassador Pereric Högberg (top row, second from left) (Photo: Duc Hoang)

On May 7, on the occasion of the visit of the Swedish Trade Delegation on the topic of Sustainable Cities, the Swedish Embassy and Business Sweden organized a roundtable discussion on the topic of traffic operations and management.

Ambassador Pereric Högberg said that Vietnam is experiencing rapid urbanization.

By 2020, Vietnam aims to have 20% of buses and taxis use clean fuels such as LPG, CNG and solar energy.

At the exchange, Deputy Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho pointed out a number of achievements of Vietnam’s public passenger transport industry such as focusing on developing the public transport network with the bus system.

However, Mr. Le Dinh Tho also assessed that the development of the public transportation network still faces many difficulties when there is a `misalignment` between urban planning and urban transportation, leading to unbalanced development.

According to Mr. Tho, the issues of traffic congestion in urban areas, environmental pollution, exhaust emissions and sustainable energy as well as the application of information technology for management are also issues of concern to Vietnam.

Sweden shares experience in developing public transport with Vietnam

Deputy Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho (top row, 3rd from the right) (Photo: Duc Hoang)

At the conference, experts from leading Swedish companies such as ABB, Errison, Volvo, Axis and Roxtec shared experiences and technologies that the country is using, such as propaganda solution groups that help

Other experiences that can be mentioned include the use of public vehicles that run on carbon-emitting fuels, public transportation network management information systems, and integration of sensor networks.

Vietnamese experts also shared practical experiences as well as received consultation and sharing opinions from Sweden.

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